Alice Valiergue
Postdoctoral Researcher, Political Sociology
Alice Valiergue is post-doctoral researcher at the Chair. She received her PhD in sociology from the Institut d'études politiques de Paris in 2018 with a thesis on the carbon offset market.
Her post-doctoral researchs then focused on public action. She contributed to two collective projects that analyze the differents levels of public action (from central to local administrations and organizations) in a variety of sectors. She worked on policies to fight methamphetamine consumption and trafficking in French Polynesia. Then, as part of an interdisciplinary team attached to the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique and the Chaire santé de Sciences Po, she contributed to the evaluation of a bundled-payment experiment launched in France and which concerns three types of surgery.
Project : Coordination of medical and non-medical teams in extreme contexts (COMEXT)