

"Repairing Environments: Post-Disaster Mobilisations, Experiences & Tensions", International Workshop organized by  Laura Centemeri & Sezin Topçu (IMM-CEMS)

Opening Speech by J. Peter Burgess


Post-Critical IR? was the main topic at the European International Studies Association (EISA) meeting in Prague, 2018

In the panel Doing and Mediating Critique, J. Peter Burgess gave a talk on The insecurity of Critical Security Studies and the phenomenology of security. 


Samedi 1er décembre, Sarah Perret interviendra sur le rôle de l'intelligence artificielle dans la gestion des risques.

Dimanche 2 décembre aura lieu une conférence sur les challenges de la gestion des risques par Sarah Perret et Olav Ofstad, suivi d'un échange avec Harsh Mander.


SOURCE Final Conference on "Responding to societal needs through security policy" with 20+ expert


Prochain séminaire public Technologies & Incertitudes:

"Ethique de l'incertitude"

avec Alexei Grinbaum (CEA) et Françoise Roure (Ministère de l'économie et des finances)

Mercredi 19 décembre à 17h30, ENS campus Jourdan en salle R1-13. 


Prochain séminaire public Technologies & Incertitudes:

"Incertitude de la santé globale"

avec Auriane Guilbaud (Paris 8) et Grégoire Lurton (Bluesquare, University of Washington)

Mercredi 12 décembre à 17h30, ENS campus Jourdan en salle R1-13. 


Prochain séminaire public Technologies & Incertitudes:
"Law and digital technologies: counting as a human being in the era of computational law"
avec Mireille Hildebrandt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) et Danièle Bourcier (CNRS/CERSA)
Mercredi 14 novembre à 17h30, ENS campus Jourdan en salle R1-13.
Téléchargez le programme du cycle


A New Hope: Back to the Future of International Relations

Chair members ​​​​​​J. Peter Burgess and Sarah Perret will present research at the annual conference.

Abstract J. Peter Burgess

Abstract Sarah Perret


Critical Terrorism Studies and the Normative Turn

Chair members J. Peter Burgess and Sarah Perret will present a paper entitled 'Law and the politics of uncertainty in French anti-terrorism legislation' at the annual conference.



Identity studies have long understood national identity as a matter of national security. In the high era of terrorism, the question of ‘us and them’ is increasingly collapsing on the question of ‘us and the terrorist’. Identity studies as terrorism studies. The Chair Geopolitics of Risk will welcome a group of international researchers to discuss the rise of identity-politics in a close workshop at Campus Jourdan.