J. Peter Burgess (2003) Den norske pastorale opplysning: Nye perspektiver på norsk nasjonsbygging på 1800-tallet [The Norwegian Pastoral Enlightenment: New Perspectives on Nationbuilding in the 19th Century]. Oslo, Abstrakt Forlag.
The book presents a broad, interdisciplinary argument for alternative perspectives on, and understandings of, 19th century nation-building based on cultural historian Nina Witoszek's book Norwegian Natural Mythologies (1998). This perspective is based on the fact that the canonical understanding of late 18th and 19th century Norwegian history is based on unjustified ideas about national romanticism, about enlightenment, and about the relationship between the two in Norwegian reality in the 19th century. The book contains both general presentations of historical material and critical problematization of the historiographical assumptions of traditional Norwegian historiography. The book is primarily aimed at students in history, cultural studies and literary studies. Has bibliography.MUP book page